Forgot Username or Password

Please enter the username or email address associated with your account to receive an email containing your username and instructions for resetting your password.

IMPORTANT: This option will ONLY send software and fulfillment documents to the person you enter below - it will not send the documents to you. Do not use this option if you want the software and fulfillment documents sent to you.

Enter the PennKey Username of the person you want receive the software and fulfillment documents below (separate multiple recipients with commas). If you receive an error message, it means the person does not yet have an account in Kivuto. In that case the person can create an account by simply logging into the Kivuto site and then logging out.

Note: If you enter multiple recipients, each recipient will receive the quantity you enter per license. Don't enter quantity 2 if you want two people to each receive 1 copy, as each person will receive 2 for a total purchase of 4. Instead enter quantity 1 and they will each receive 1 for an order total of 2.